Estate Sales & Liquidation Services352.661.8293Serving FloridaLicense number: AB4059 Exp: 11/30/2025
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This is a case of 10 Humanitarian Daily Ration (HDR) packs, perfect for camping, hunting, and survival situations. Each pack contains a full day's worth of nutrition and is designed to provide a balanced and filling meal. Whether you're planning an outdoor adventure or preparing for an emergency situation, these HDR packs are a reliable source of sustenance.
The pack type is specifically designed for easy carrying and storage, making it ideal for camping and hiking trips. With a focus on practicality and convenience, these packs are a must-have for any outdoor enthusiast or prepper. Order now to ensure your next adventure or emergency is met with confidence and preparedness.
Check date pictured. Have tried these and they are very good. Thanks for looking.
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