Estate Sales & Liquidation Services352-661-8293Serving FloridaLicense number: AB4059
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Made by Lakota artisan 'Sungmanitu Cikala'. War Shirt's loomed beadwork pieces by Mama Bear -Ojibwa
Small in size (young warrior)
Traditional Plains Indian four-hide deerskin fringed War Shirt, hand sewn with deer sinew, adorned w/ red wool trade cloth, hand beaded lazy stitch & loom work, & real human hair scalp locks.
Includes matching fringed deerskin beaded leggings. beaded red wool breechclout apron, bone hair pipe breastplate, & traditional 4-strand bone hair pipe choker w/ abalone disc, mink tails, & authentic antique Venetian Millefiori Old World Trade Beads
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