Estate Sales & Liquidation Services352-661-8293Serving FloridaLicense number: AB4059
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Made by Lakota artisan. Dress size small (6)
Traditional 2-hide deerskin lazy-stitched beaded dress w/ cowrie shells & brass cone/beads.
Includes matching beaded deerskin high-top moccasins size 6-7.
Traditional bone hair pipe, brass, & cobalt glass beaded choker necklace w/ abalone shell disc & antique Venetian Millefiori Old World Trade Bead.
Handmade traditional beaded Eagle feather hairpiece.
Deerskin covered belt w/ brass button decor
Deerskin & Turtle shell work pouch w/ brass cones & horsehair decor
Beaded Snake & deerskin knife sheath
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