Great Online Auction in SE Ocala By Movin On Estste Sales.
Great SE Ocala Auction!!
There’s just about everything you could think of here in over 300 lots. Highlights include: Lots of great furniture; art work; a Dress Form; a vintage Fiber Optic Lamp; Great Marvel and DC Comic Books; amazing baseball and sports cards (including uncut sheets); a huge lots of records and cassette tapes; an opportunity for an instant history library; Pokémon cards; Disneyana; Barbies; Sneakers; Baskets; Movies; Appliances; Board Games; Vintage Star Wars and G.I. Joe toys; a Brand; a huge Shelia’s house collection; great selection of Globes; several Murano lots; Vintage Tupperware and Pyrex; an original working Nintendo Entertainment System; over 3000 postcards; tons of board games; cookbooks; lanterns; exercise equipment…
Location: SE Ocala
Preview Date/Time:
Pickup Date/Time: Aug 31 9:00 to 3:00
Starts: 8/26/2021 5:00:00 AM
Auctions begin to end at: 8/30/2021 5:00:00 PM