Movin' On Estate Auctions

Estate Sales & Liquidation Services
Serving Florida

License number:  AB3810 Exp: 11/30/2025

Online Auction in Ft Mcoy By Movin On Estate Sales.

Online Auction in Ft McCoy Fl By Movin On Estate Sales.
A lot of items some new some vintage. Collectible glassware. Linens and bedspreads, anchor Hocking display counter jars. Vintage outdoor store signs, LED open signs. Many things that would have been in an ice cream gift shop Lennox and Franklin  Mint collectibles., toys, micro, mini cars, and WWF figures. Have a great time bidding. FEES
16% Buyers Premium on ALL lots sold.
3% Discount off Buyers Premium for all On-Site Cash or Check payments.  7.5% Florida State Sales Tax Applied


Preview Date/Time:

Pickup Date/Time: March 23 9:00 to 2:00.

Starts: 3/18/2025 5:00:00 AM

Auctions begin to end at: 3/22/2025 6:00:00 PM

Lot #253
Lot #253

1 bids

Lot #318  Wrangler Black jeans
Lot #318 Wrangler Black jeans

4 bids

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