Estate Sales & Liquidation Services352-661-8293Serving FloridaLicense number: AB4059
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Beautiful Vintage Oriental Cloisonné Vase. Has a butterfly and flowers. This one is about as nice as you will find. Decorated in the round, brass wire was carefully affixed to the brass vase, then the spaces created were filled with various colors of enamel, with the final product being fired one last time to create the exquisite works of art before you. Cloissone techniques originated in the Far Orient, and were copied by many nations including France, which chose to call the process Champleve. Great accent piece! These can be very old, however ancient Chinese pieces aren’t my specialty so I cannot put a date on it for you. If you purchase it, I can put you in touch with an expert that will appraise and possibly purchase and/or sell it for you. I do this a lot, but just don’t have the time to at the moment. Any questions please shoot me a message!
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